Codes for Change and Acceleration

Codes for Change A New Technology for Growth

Codes for Change and Acceleration’ is a unique, simple, powerful and efficient new technology for personal growth.

What does it do?Codes for Change

  •   Increases Intuition, Clarity, Empowerment, Awareness
  •   Brings a sense of excitement for life
  •   Puts you in control of your own personal growth
  •   Helps you to operate on a higher level in your daily life so things become easier

How does it work?

The Codes talk to the deepest part of you, allowing growth on an expanded yet personal level.

It is very simple – like pressing buttons on your hands.

Pressing these places on your hands activates amazing effects within both your physical body and your energetic field.

Once you have completed the workshop it takes only five minutes to reactivate the incredible benefits.  Your personal growth can be at your own pace.  This can be done either daily, weekly or whenever it feels right for you.  It’s like losing weight without dieting, except it is for Self Growth.

It allows everybody to have a totally normal life but still be in charge of their own progress.

“You don’t have to change your life to do this … but doing this will change your life”

The Workshops

“Codes for Change and Acceleration” is currently held in three parts.  These are ONE DAY workshops.

CODES Part 1
CODES Part 2
CODES ADVANCED – new in 2022

These are “parts” and not “levels”, meaning that you can do “part 2” before “part 1”.

You will learn a series of 13 codes in each of Part 1 and Part 2.  You will learn 14 codes in Codes Advanced.  These 13 or 14 codes are designed to activate within your field to produce change and accelerate your spiritual growth.

You will learn 10 characters and there will be a series of 10 attunements to go with these characters.

The codes will activate and realign your field ready for change.  In the workshop you will be learning and activating these codes and the method to use them every day.

For me Codes for Change provide rapid access to a means of transformation. They are symbols that trigger awareness of and access to the non-material world.’  TM

The three parts of Codes for Change

CODES Part 1:  Works on COHERENCE – aligning the physical, emotional and spiritual bodies.  It prepares the body to hold more light by bringing it into alignment.  It is difficult to align with your purpose if you have not aligned within yourself.  This is coherence.  These codes will activate core sensors within ourselves which will enable us to access the God Grid – the grid which holds the grids of all lifeforms.  This brings a feeling of connection.  Cost is $150.

CODES Part 2:  Cleanses our karma with the violet flame.  Helps us align to Higher Dimensions.  These codes work on sustainability – no more swinging high and low.  This ultimately leads to peace within oneself.  When at true peace with oneself one can clearly hear the whisper of the Master within – the one who knows the way.  These codes bring a feeling of ELEVATION.  Cost is $150.

‘Having recently done Codes 2, I have to say they are just awesome.  I am noticing differences already.  I definitely feel a stronger sense of purpose and confidence and I look forward to waking up just so I can do them!   Asharni is a wonderful teacher, you will be in for a fantastic weekend.’  SP

Both Codes part 1 and part 2 help build strong foundations.

CODES ADVANCED:  These were channelled through in August 2021 and are preparing us all for the new energy coming through in the next few years.  The years 2022 to 2025 are crucial to the story of the New Earth.  Many are calling these the pivotal years.  We need to be at our energetic optimum.  Codes Advanced prepares us to access much higher levels of consciousness.  They bring together the 14 strands of DNA, help us access Light Language and Beings from Higher Realms.  They connect us to the Heart of the Void (of all That Is) giving us a unique and illuminated view of Reality.  Cost is $150.

“Learning all three levels of codes has supercharged my soul evolution.  With each level came layers of letting go of old patterns.  With Advanced codes I have found a new sense of confidence and power.  This happened so quickly.  They are amazing tools.  Easy to learn and practice.”  MF.

Personally, I find Codes for Change to be the closest thing we have to taking a “spiritual pill”.  It is really that easy.  “Orange juice and Codes for Change for breakfast” is what I often say.  When you take “the Codes pill” … and it only takes five minutes … you will find an expansion takes place … a letting go … and from this position it becomes easier to move forward.  Codes for Change complements everything you do.

It perhaps comes as no surprise that there is a healing component to Codes for Change. It took me some time to really understand this. If the Codes are creating shifts in our energetic field that enable our growth and expansion then it stands to reason that healing will follow.

“When I was sick recently I used codes before bed to become more attuned to my body and elevate my energy.  Being sick really kicked me in the bum and I believe codes helped me find the meaning of it, tune in to my body, heal quicker and reset my true values.  It’s such a powerful elevator of energy but so grounding.  It’s like really bringing in a higher energy to your physical body. Love it.”  LB.

Cost:  $150 per day.  


Who developed this workshop?

Kachina Ma’an, the Founder of Pellowah Healing Technique.  She channelled through Codes for Change and Acceleration in 2012 (the first two parts) and late in 2021 (advanced).   Kachina has dedicated her life to Spirit and the spiritual evolution of mankind.  I have personally worked with Kachina since 2001 and I was eagerly present at the very first Codes for Change and Acceleration course held in Brisbane.

Kachina lives on the Sunshine Coast in Queensland.  She no longer personally teaches the three parts of Codes for Change.  She does, however, teach the Teacher/Trainer course thus enabling more people to have access to this powerful and efficient “new technology” for personal growth.