
Astrology Testimonials

” I have found that I am more in tune with my emotions and understand where my strengths and weaknesses  lie within my personality.  I would highly recommend Jann to anyone who wants to make a positive and most informed decision for their life’s journey.”  Mary .

“Jann was very clear in explaining astrology and birth charts to me – she spent a lot of time with me answering all my questions.  I have learnt through astrology I can be more aware of the environment around me and I now use it as a guide to help make better, more informed decisions about my future. “  Linda.

“I reasonated closely with the methodologies you used and was pleasantly impressed to find ‘an astrologer’ so vastly knowledgable in multi areas.”  Kathryn.

“What you have written is very accurate.  I have already gotten so much out of reading it. I definitely feel this is me.  It may sound weird, but I actually feel a bit less confused in myself just reading why I am like this.  This is a great start for me.   Thanks so much Asharni.”  Sandra.

“You hit the nail on the head!  You asked the question why all these highly intuitive people come to you for advice… Well my answer would be: because you simply ground them! “   Ned

“Thanks, Asharni, you are always able to put things in perspective for me.”  Libby

“I want to thank you  for your guidance and passion this year you are truly a wonderful being, let your light shine.” Narelle

“Asharni, thank you, I’ve come away with a new and brighter perspective and I feel like I have more ‘control’ over the outcome of my life…does that make sense? I think you could call your type of astrology,  ‘navigational astrology’, because that’s how I felt after our session, like you’d helped me navigate my life, past and future.” Janet.

“Thank you thank you thank you.   This was great and it has really helped. you have given me alot to think about, which I have already started thinking from my session.” Molly.

“Many thanks for your session.  I am feeling very relaxed and motivated.  I am sure i will get my clear path soon.”   Max


Reiki Testimonials

I realised that it was the reiki level 2 that has re-ignited my getting in touch with my psychic awareness – there is so much happening at the moment.”   Amy.

Thank you for such a great weekend, i have to say i really enjoyed it and got just as much maybe more from the non reiki off-topic talks we all shared, u know when something small gets said thats really what u need to hear at that time to help u move forward…. that happened a few times so thank you, i really liked it!  Andrew

“Thank you for a brilliant weekend!  It was a great group and a supportive space to learn in.  As I mentioned I was a little nervous before we started but I got a lot out of it.” Karen

“Thanks for an amazing weekend.” Ellie.

“Reiki is so much more than I thought it would be.  I have done all the post course practice and I feel stronger in myself.  I had thought that I might not understand the course, but you managed to take the time to explain things really well.  Lots of information and well presented.  Thank you.”  Paul.

“Reiki level 2 was the most brilliant workshop I have attended.” Narelle.

“Asharni, thank you so much for a wonderful weekend. I had a great time and the process is still sinking in.  Thanks to you and my fellow students for a super weekend.  It was “a privilege”.   Sandra.

“Thank you all for a beautiful sharing…. Asharni is  such a wonderful facilitator. Excellent work and lots of insights needed for our journey ahead.  So honoured and privileged to have been part.”  Neal.

“Many thanks for the weekend, it was very enlightening and a great experience. I feel very energised and looking forward to the pursuing this further.”  Russell

“Thank you Asharni for an amazing weekend. It was almost liberating in same strange way and that feels good I can sit with that quite comfortably. I have an enormous amount of energy its like  I am overflowing!”  Nancy


Pellowah Testimonials

A few years ago my father passed away. An active man who never wanted to die a slow lingering death, with poor quality of life.   For more than six months I juggled a full job, my own household and care of a Mother whose own health slowly deteriorated.Just prior I had done Pellowah  level 1 and 2.  Looking back on that period, I realised that without the calmness, inner peace and strength I had gained through Pellowah, I would not have managed through that terrible time as well as I did. Not only did I have the inner resource to sustain myself, I also had the ability to assist my family through Pellowah treatments and my positivity.I have since done Pellowah 3 and given healings to a number of people. The feedback I have had on the benefits my friends have gained has been amazing.       Rakalión D’ai

I was 20 years old and a little lost in my life direction.  I came to a Pellowah workshop on the advice of a friend.  I had no idea what to expect.  This was new and unusual for me.  Within two weeks of doing the Pellowah my life changed completely.   Somehow I could see my way clear of the sad place  I had got myself into and within the space of a few months my life had completely turned around. Now, four years later, If ever I feel that sense of being lost, I come back for more attunements.     If I were to describe this energy, I would say that it opens me up to see other possibilities.   Jonathon L.

I had a really busy mind. A really busy mind.   It stopped me from doing so much in my life.  I just could not make the decisions I needed to.   I did Pellowah 1 and 2 and I noticed a difference almost immediately.  My mind was still busy but I could observe the busy instead of being trapped by it.  Does this make sense?  I have since gone on to do Level 3.   Zach M.

It is hard to know what made the difference with me.  I have done so much in these past years to move forward.  But Pellowah was the first thing I tried and it seemed as if it somehow expanded me enough to try other things I would never have done before.  Asharni is such a knowledgeable teacher.  Nancy P.

Thank you Asharni so much for the weekend, it was lovely to spend time with you and learn so many new things.  Based on other healing training I have had I found your workshops to be very relaxing , informative, supportive and flowed nicely.  Energetically I feel like there are huge changes happening for me, and that’s exciting!!    Barbara O.

Thanks Asharni. I am feeling so good, despite problems at home, the shit is down there and I respond to it from a higher point! Proof in the pudding for me! And you are right, it seems to keep getting better, much lighter.  Thanks so much.  My back was PERFECT by the evening after the workshop.  Can you believe it, not a dull ache in sight.  Put it all down to Pellowah and healing!  Katherine.

Everything you read about Pellowah holds true for me.  I was not necessarily a believer in energy work and yet I was drawn to Pellowah after my husband’s illness.  I saw the effect Pellowah had on him.  And so I attended the workshops.  I have noticed changes in myself too numerous to mention but most of all it comes down to two little words “I Know”.  Such empowerment from such simplicity.   Sally M.

I had been going through so much stuff in my life … relationships, a house that wouldn’t sell, financial pressures, job issues … I felt very stuck.  I have never done anything like this before but I did the Pellowah workshops.  I loved the weekend.  Asharni is such an interesting teacher with a great sense of humour.  She made me feel comfortable.   Within a month after doing Pellowah things started to change.  Instead of feeling under pressure with my worries, I began to feel detached from them.  I can only explain it as a feeling of melting – my problems melting.  Or maybe I was just laughing more.  I continue to have attunements and each time I feel freer and lighter.  With blessings.   Christina.

With an 11 month chemotherapy course hanging over my head it was suggested by a friend that I try my first “fish slapping”. The treatment they suggested was indeed Pellowah. Just lie on the table, well even I could do that, and so I had my first Pellowah healing. Wow… I bounced up of the table full, but full of what. Full of energy, wellness, readiness, happiness, all of these things. I danced away from that first healing ready to take on my chemo. While undergoing chemo, I did the workshops.  I did the workshops so that I could have regular attunements, which are stronger than healings.  Did the Pellowah cure my illness no the chemo did. Did the Pellowah adjust my mindset and wellbeing during into the chemo, absolutely.  Michael G.